Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Went the Winds A-Sailing

Went the winds a-sailing to the ocean dry,
Off into the sky,
Off into the sky.
Let their sails unfurling o’er the waves on high,
Off into the sky,
Off into the sky.

But a wind got caught in a somewhere-cave
And the hearty breeze had new heights to crave:
It was destined for the sky.
It was destined for the sky.

Went the winds a-playing as the day go by
Off into the sky,
Off into the sky,
Past the floating towers as they soar and fly
Off into the sky,
Off into the sky.

But the wind in the ground began to pound
On the walls of the halls where it was found.
It was calling for the sky.
It was calling for the sky.

Went the winds a-sailing in the ocean dry
Off into the sky,
Off into the sky.
Climbing, climbing higher as the stars draw nigh,
Off into the sky,
Off into the sky.

But the wind left behind could no escape find,
And, left all alone, lost its life and died.
It was destined for the skies,
It was destined for the skies.

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