Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I Am He

John 18:4-6

The Lord bowed down
His head to pray
While the western sun was low.
He shed His tears,
He knew the way
That the Son of God must go.

Then they came
With their swords
To take Him down to die.
Then He said
In a voice
That shook the earth and sky.

I am He, who will die for you today.
I am He, who will take your sins away.
I am God Almighty, All-powerful, the Great I Am,
I am He, your Savior.

They all fell back
At the sound
Of the voice of Jesus Christ.
Still they took
Him to the ground
Where so many paid the price.

There they nailed
Him to
The Cross of Calvary.
There He bled,
There He died,
And set our souls free.

I am He, who will die for you today.
I am He, who will take your sins away.
I am God Almighty, All-powerful, the Great I Am,
I am He, your Savior.

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