Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Land Where the Trees Don't Grow

There is a place,
A silly old place,
With quaint and homely charm.
It’s a nice place to live,
And if ever you go,
Not a soul would wish you harm.

It’s a land of beauty,
A state of calm,
A country of unique design.
The moon and stars
Alight the day,
And the night the sun will shine.

The land is filled
With sweeping plains
And jagged mountains ‘brupt
There waterfalls
Flow in reverse
And move from bottom up.

But there’s no forrest
Nor orchard there
In the land of which I speak:
No elm nor oak
Can e’er be seen
Though set on mountain peak.

A strange occurrence,
A floral dearth,
No trees will ever grow.
No paper for reading,
No fire for burning
To warm your breath in the snow.

And if you ask
The owl the time
He’ll be sure to get it right.
And if you ask
The hare her trouble
She’ll be sure to tell you her plight.

The wind that blows
Enchants the ears
With peaceful distant sound;
It sounds of music
From long ago
That turns you homeward bound.

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