Saturday, March 23, 2019

Your Love for Me Is Like this Splendid Day

Oh what a splendid light and golden day
With faint such breeze as’d stir the world awake!
And such same faintness stirs my heart to stay
And find a place, wherein I stand, to lay.

Your love for me is like this splendid day
That stirs my heart and urges me to stay
And rest within the place I find my peace,
Where all life’s fears are blown by a faint breeze.

The sun kisses the earth
Just as you kiss my chin.
The tides brush the sand
Just as you brush my hair.
The wind politely breathes throughout the field
Just as you breathe softest words into my ears.
The rain brings life from heaven
Just as your kindness to me.
The sky surrounds, so wide and still,
Just as I exist in you.

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