Saturday, March 23, 2019

Twenty-Four Lines of Poetic Nonsense

Here I must give adeu
As one last kiss I give to you
Because death takes no few
From this world we perceive
Or we come to believe
Is the real world we know.
Or is it?
How could we, in our wildest dreams,
Create such a world as vast as it seems
In this mind of ours,
Or what would it matter if we dream or wake?

I sit on the beach,
Grasping the sand.
I hate the beach,
Yet I lie in the sand
And grab all I can
Frantically, violently clawing the sand,
Begging for sand, praying for sand.
But time waits for no man,
So don’t leave your house to go to the beach
Trying to mourn your precious sand.
Stay home with your loved ones,
Grasp them instead.
This is not nonsense, this is stupidity. Or is it a bad dream?

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