Saturday, March 23, 2019

To a Girl

To a girl
With hair
That shines and bounces with every curl,
Dancing heartily to the music of laughter.
To a girl
With a face
That shines with the softness of a silky moon,
Reflecting some ethereal ray as if
Glimpsing into heaven,
Hiding her wings behind a
Smile that could hide an ocean, behind
Eyes that burn like distant stars,
Piercing darkness with firey and pure gaze—
Colossal stars that surge and stare, the size of worlds
Fitted into the twenty-four millimeter eyes
That sparkle with every flare.
Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck,
For the only stars I care to search are in you.
To a girl
With a heart
That reaches beyond the cardiovascular needs
Of her body, containing the world, giving
Life to all in its charity and compassion.
she carries my heart with
her (she carries it in her heart)
To a girl
With a beauty
That is not only found in her skin, but also
In her character,
Who’s true value is not found in her face, but
In her spirit.
She walks in beauty, like the night;
And yet she walks in the shade of unassuming grace.

Oh Cleopatra of my heart,
In cunning and strength, rule thy kingdom
And keep thine blasted adders from your breast.
Oh Scheherazade of my mind,
Tell me thy stories,
That my idle thoughts may ever be on thee,
Living a thousand and one nights only to think of you.
If that till I loved
I never lived,
I was born the day you met me,
And I am reborn every day, for as soon as I
But look at you again, I am at once in love anew.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
I love thee as the stars be numbered and more,
And I will use as many clichés
As it takes to describe every aspect of your beauty.
To a girl
With a love
I give completely, and to none else. But
I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a dreamer in the world.
Lost as a love song on deaf ears.
To a girl
Whom I met
But never got the chance to know.

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