Saturday, March 23, 2019

I Vote No Homework

I had some schoolwork to take home,
I had to write a report on Rome.
I was too busy to do research,
So I just sat inside my perch.
My Father came in and said “What you doing?”
I said to him, “Nothing much but snoozing,
Rome I have to write about,
But it’s so boring I want to shout!”
Said father, “Pick something to relate to,
What do you think Roman children do?”
It spiked my interest, I cannot lie,
So I looked it up as time went by.

The next day this is what I said,
“Let me tell you what I read.
Roman kids did not go to school,
They had a life that was much more cool.
Kids my age would train for wars,
Not sitting around and doing chores.”
Then I said with a happy smirk,
“I vote No Homework!
We should be doing something exciting instead,
Like fighting people or at least physical ed.”
I think my teacher’s ears went deaf,
My report was good, yet I got an F.

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